Gold can thus be described as a strategic asset. Gold is a scarce commodity and benefits from high liquidity. A well-diversified portfolio also includes investments in shares of gold companies. The pandemic and its consequences also pose challenges for investors, investments may have to be rethought, strategies changed. Overall, more citizens are venturing to invest in shares, as there is nothing to be gained from saving money in a bank account. Those who have already invested in gold should be in a good position at the current gold price.
Many global equity markets are now at extreme levels, improving the risk profile of many portfolios. The economic consequences of the Corona pandemic are enormous, and many countries will continue to use fiscal policy tools to manage these consequences for a long time to come. Budget deficits and balance sheets require intervention, and it is time for the investment community to subject financial investments to scrutiny.
With economic recovery on the horizon, gold consumption should also increase, and investors can continue to hedge with gold. For example, from stocks like Skeena Resources or CanaGold.
Skeena Resources - - is reviving the formerly producing Snip and Eskay mines in British Columbia in the Golden Triangle.
CanaGold's main project is the New Polaris property. It is located in northwestern British Columbia on the west bank of the Tulsequah River near the Alaska border.
Current corporate information and press releases from Skeena Resources (
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