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This applies especially to all second-line-stocks in the small and micro cap sector and especially to exploration and resource companies which are discussed in the publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG and are exclusively suitable for speculative and risk aware investors. But it applies to all other securities as well. Every exchange participant trades at his own risk. The information in the publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG do not replace an on individual needs geared professional investment advice. In spite of careful research, neither the respective author nor Swiss Resource Capital AG will neither guarantee nor assume liability for actuality, correctness, mistakes, accuracy, completeness, adequacy or quality of the presented information. For pecuniary losses resulting from investments in securities for which information was available in all publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG liability will be assumed neither by Swiss Capital Resource AG nor by the respective author neither explicitly nor implicitly.
Any investment in securities involves risks. Political, economical or other changes can lead to significant stock price losses and in the worst case to a total loss of the invested capital and - depending on the investment – to further obligations for example additional payment liabilities. Especially investments in (foreign) second-line-stocks, in the small and micro cap sector, and especially in the exploration and re- source companies are all, in general, associated with an outstandingly high risk. This market segment is characterized by a high volatility and harbours danger of a total loss of the invested capital and - depending on the investment – to further obligations for example additional payment liabilities. As well, small and micro caps are often very illiquid and every order should be strictly limited and, due to an often better pricing at the respective domestic exchange, should be traded there. An investment in securities with low liquidity and small market cap is extremely speculative as well as a high risk and can lead to, in the worst case, a total loss of the invested capital and - depending on the investment – to further obligations for example additional payment liabilities. Engagements in the publications of the shares and products presented in all publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG have in part foreign exchange risks. The deposit portion of single shares of small and micro cap companies and low capitalized securities like derivatives and leveraged products should only be as high that, in case of a possible total loss, the deposit will only marginally lose in value.
All publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG are exclusively for information purposes only. All information and data in all publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG are obtained from sources which are deemed reliable and trustworthy by Swiss Resource Capital AG and the respective authors at the time of preparation. Swiss Resource Capital AG and all Swiss Resource Capital AG employed or engaged persons have worked for the preparation of all of the published contents with the greatest possible diligence to guarantee that the used and underlying data as well as facts are complete and accurate and the used estimates and made forecasts are realistic. Therefore, liability is categorically precluded for pecuniary losses which could potentially result from use of the information for one’s own investment decision.
All information published in publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG reflects the opinion of the respective author or third parties at the time of reparation of the publication. Neither Swiss Resource Capital AG nor the respective authors can be held responsible for any resulting pecuniary losses. All information is subject to change. Swiss Resource Capital AG as well as the respective authors assures that only sources which are deemed reliable and trustworthy by Swiss Resource Capital AG and the respective authors at the time of preparation are used. Although the assessments and statements in all publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG were prepared with due diligence, neither Swiss Resource Capital AG nor the respective authors take any responsibility or liability for the actuality, correctness, mistakes, accuracy, completeness, adequacy or quality of the presented facts or for omissions or incorrect information. The same shall apply for all presentations, numbers, designs and assessments expressed in interviews and videos.
Swiss Resource Capital AG and the respective authors are not obliged to update information in publications. Swiss Resource Capital AG and the respective authors explicitly point out that changes in the used and underlying data, facts, as well as in the estimates could have an impact on the forecasted share price development or the overall estimate of the discussed security. The statements and opinions of Swiss Capital Resource AG as well as the respective author are not recommendations to buy or sell a security.
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Investments in securities with low liquidity and small market cap are extremely speculative as well as a high risk. Due to the speculative nature of the presented companies their securities or other financial products it is quite possible that investments can lead to a capital reduction or to a total loss and - depending on the investment – to further obligations for example additional payment liabilities. Any investment in warrants, leveraged certificates or other financial products bears an extremely high risk. Due to political, economical or other changes significant stock price losses can arise and in the worst case a total loss of the invested capital and - depending on the investment – to further obligations for example additional payment liabilities. Any liability claim for foreign share recommendations, derivatives and fund recommendations are in principle ruled out by Swiss Resource Capital AG and the respective authors. Between the readers as well as the subscribers and the authors as well as Swiss Resource Capital AG no consultancy agreement is closed by subscription of a publication of Swiss Resource Capital AG because all information contained in such a publication refer to the respective company but not to the investment decision. Publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG are neither, direct or indirect an offer to buy or for the sale of the discussed security (securities), nor an invitation for the purchase or sale of securities in general. An investment decision regarding any security should not be based on any publication of Swiss Resource Capital AG.
Publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG must not, either in whole or in part be used as a base for a binding contract of all kinds or used as reliable in such a context. Swiss Resource Capital AG is not responsible for consequences especially losses, which arise or could arise by the use or the failure of the application of the views and conclusions in the publications. Swiss Resource Capital AG and the respective authors do not guarantee that the expected profits or mentioned share prices will be achieved.
The reader is strongly encouraged to examine all assertions him/herself. An investment, presented by Swiss Resource Capital AG and the respective authors in partly very speculative shares and financial products should not be made without reading the most current balance sheets as well as assets and liabilities reports of the companies at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under  or other regulatory authorities or carrying out other company evaluations. Neither Swiss Resource Capital AG nor the respective authors will guarantee that the expected profits or mentioned share prices will be achieved. Neither Swiss Resource Capital AG nor the respective authors are professional investment or financial advisors. The reader should take advice (e. g. from the principle bank or a trusted ad- visor) before any investment decision. To reduce risk investors should largely diversify their investments.
In addition, Swiss Resource Capital AG welcomes and supports the journalistic principles of conduct and recommendations of the German press council for the economic and financial market reporting and within the scope of its responsibility will look out that these principles and recommendations are respected by employees, authors and editors.

Forward-looking Information
Information and statements in all publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG especially in (translated) press releases that are not historical facts are forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. They contain risks and un- certainties but not limited to current expectations of the company concerned, the stock concerned or the respective security as well as intentions, plans and opinions. Forward-looking information can often contain words like “expect”, “believe”, “assume”, “goal”, “plan”, “objective”, “intent”, “estimate”, “can”, “should”, “may” and “will” or the negative forms of these expressions or similar words suggesting future events or expectations, ideas, plans, objectives, intentions or statements of future events or performances. Examples for forward-looking information in all publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG include: production guidelines, estimates of future/targeted production rates as well as plans and timing regarding further exploration, drill and development activities. This forward-looking information is based in part on assumption and factors that can change or turn out to be incorrect and therefore may cause actual results, performances or successes to differ materially from those stated or postulated in such forward-looking statements. Such factors and assumption include but are not limited to: failure of preparation of resource and reserve estimates, grade, ore recovery that differs from the estimates, the success of future exploration and drill programs, the reliability of the drill, sample and analytical data, the assumptions regarding the accuracy of the representativeness of the mineralization, the success of the planned metallurgical test work, the significant deviation of capital and operating costs from the estimates, failure to receive necessary government approval and environmental permits or other project permits, changes of foreign exchange rates, fluctuations of commodity prices, delays by project developments and other factors.
Potential shareholders and prospective investors should be aware that these statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Such factors include but are not limited to the following: risks regarding the inaccuracy of the mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates, fluctuations of the gold price, risks and dangers in connection with mineral exploration, development and mining, risks regarding the creditworthiness or the financial situation of the supplier, the refineries and other parties that are doing business with the company; the insufficient insurance coverage or the failure to receive insurance coverage to cover these risks and dangers, the relationship with employees; relationships with and the demands from the local communities and the indigenous population; political risks; the availability and rising costs in connection with the mining contributions and workforce; the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development including risks of receiving and maintaining the necessary licences and permits, the decreasing quantities and grades of mineral reserves during mining; the global financial situation, current results of the current exploration activities, changes in the final results of the economic assessments and changes of the project parameter to include unexpected economic factors and other factors, risks of increased capital and operating costs, environmental, security and authority risks, expropriation, the tenure of the company to properties including their ownership, increase in competition in the mining industry for proper- ties, equipment, qualified personal and its costs, risks regarding the uncertainty of the timing of events including the increase of the targeted production rates and fluctuations in foreign exchange rates.
The shareholders are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. By its nature, forward-looking information involves numerous assumptions, inherent risks and uncertainties both general and specific that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and various future events will not occur. Neither Swiss Resource Capital AG nor the referred to company, refer- red to stock or referred to security undertake no obligation to update publicly otherwise revise any forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or other such factors which affect this information, except as required by law.
48f Abs. 5 BörseG (Austria) and Art. 620 to 771 obligations law (Switzerland)
Swiss Resource Capital AG as well as the respective authors of all publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG could have been hired and compensated by the respective company or related third party for the preparation, the electronic distribution and publication of the respective publication and for other services. Therefore the possibility exists for a conflict of interests.
At any time Swiss Resource Capital AG as well as the respective authors of all publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG could hold long and short positions in the described securities and options, futures and other derivatives based on theses securities.
Furthermore Swiss Resource Capital AG as well as the respective authors of all publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG reserve the right to buy or sell at any time presented securities and options, futures and other derivatives based on theses securities. Therefore the possibility exists for a conflict of interests.
Single statements to financial instruments made by publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG and the respective authors within the scope of the respective offered charts are not trading recommendations and are not equivalent to a financial analysis.
A disclosure of the security holdings of Swiss Re- source Capital AG as well as the respective authors and/or compensations of Swiss Resource Capital AG as well as the respective authors by the company or third parties related to the respective publication will be properly declared in the publication or in the appendix.
The share prices of the discussed financial instruments in the respective publications are, if not clarified, the closing prices of the preceding trading day or more recent prices before the respective publication.
It cannot be ruled out that the interviews and estimates published in all publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG were commissioned and paid for by the respective company or related third parties. Swiss Resource Capital AG as well as the respective authors are receiving from the discussed companies and related third parties directly or indirectly expense allowances for the preparation and the electronic distribution of the publication as well as for other services.

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In all critical diligence regarding the compilation and review of the sources used by Swiss Resource Capital AG like SEC Filings, official company news or interview statements of the respective management neither Swiss Resource Capital AG nor the respective authors can guarantee the correctness, accuracy and completeness of the facts presented in the sources. Neither Swiss Resource Capital AG nor the respective authors will guarantee or be liable for that all assumed share price and profit developments of the respective companies and financial products respectively in all publications of Swiss Resource Capital AG will be achieved.

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Notes from Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority)
You will find in brochures of BaFin (see links) additional notes that should contribute to protect against dubious offers:
Investment – how to recognize dubious sellers: schuere/dl_b_geldanlage.pdf?__blob=publicationFile Security transactions – what to watch out for as an investor: Broschuere/dl_b_wertpapiergeschaeft.pdf?__blob=-publicationFile

Further legal texts of BaFin: mentlisten/ListeGesetze/liste_gesetze_node.html

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