Insider buying as a positive sign
When corporate related persons buy securities from publicly traded corporations, they should look closely at
So-called "directors' dealings" or insider trading are subject to a reporting requirement both to the company's own board of directors and to Bafin. If supervisory board members, management board members or executives buy shares, this is positive. After all, the shares are bought in order to make a profit. This is especially true if the purchase was made directly and with the company's own money. It shows that the buyer is convinced of the company and its progress. While it is no guarantee that share prices will go up, it is worth taking a closer look. Perhaps multiple insiders bought or one insider repeated. Insider sales can also allow conclusions to be drawn. However, it is important to observe exactly why they sold and how much.
An example of a company where there has been insider buying is Fury Gold Mines -. The company owns three properties in Quebec and in Nunavut. In 2022, insiders put down nearly half a million U.S. dollars for stock purchases, with CEO Tim Clark doing the most. Clark now owns a total of 500,000 shares, or 0.4 percent of all outstanding shares. But it certainly wasn't just the insider buying here, but also the encouraging news that kept the share price strong. The Eau Claire project in Quebec convinces with a very good preliminary economic valuation and excellent drill results (up to a good 22 grams of gold per ton of rock). Further engagements of Fury Gold Mines also seem to be under a good star. Also at Sibanye-Stillwater - - there was a recent share purchase by CEO and Executive Director Neal Froneman (274,000 shares). The Sibanye-Stillwater group produces gold, platinum, palladium and rhodium as well as other raw materials. The company is also active in the field of battery metals and recycling.
Current corporate information and press releases from Fury Gold Mines ( and Sibanye-Stillwater (
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