The world population continues to grow
Since 2023, more than eight billion people have been living on earth for the first time. Supplying them devours a lot of raw materials.
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By the year 2050, according to a UN forecast, around 9.71 billion people will inhabit our planet. For the year 2100, the estimates are 10.35 billion people. Also interesting, since 1950 the number of people has tripled. All of them need energy, food and the cleanest air possible. Topics such as reducing CO2 emissions, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence are just a few factors that need raw materials for their implementation. The topic of food immediately brings us to the topic of fertilizers. Because they are indispensable for increasing crop yield and disease resistance, as well as for supporting plant growth. An important component of fertilizers is potash, because it is the basic nutrient for plants. The world's largest producer and exporter of potash is Canada. The country has the largest potash reserves in the world. But potash is also found in Africa, for example in Gabon, a politically stable country with large global companies. Here in Gabon, Millennial Potash - - is developing its Banio potash project. When, as here, a very experienced management team and a project with strong potential come together, success should be assured.
In addition to the supply of food, energy supply and energy security are central issues. In order to meet this huge demand, nuclear energy is a factor alongside renewable energies, without which it cannot work, at least certainly for a long time to come. Now that this type of energy generation has become more attractive again, with many new reactors under construction or being extended, investors should also think about uranium. Because without uranium, nothing works. More decarbonization also needs more uranium and nuclear power. High-grade uranium projects exist in the Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan, for example at IsoEnergy - . Particularly outstanding results have already been identified at the Hurricane deposit there.
Current corporate information and press releases from Millennial Potash ( ) and IsoEnergy ( ).
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