The cowrie shell was actually a snail, but also weapons, animals or jewelry once served as a means of payment. The first coins were minted in the seventh century from a gold-silver alloy. Paper money came relatively late - outside China -, in 1833 the English government declared banknotes legal tender.
If people were able to choose their own money, they always resorted to gold, including silver. Because it was and is scarce, divisible, homogeneous, durable, transportable and it is of high value. At the end of the 19th / beginning of the 20th century, gold was the world's money. Today the currencies stand for uncovered money, the so-called fiat money. The monopoly of production lies with the central banks. Today, national economies are heavily indebted and to counteract defaults, interest rates have been driven down. Newly created money is used to buy debt securities. The consequence: The purchasing power of money is reduced.
This makes it difficult for individuals to choose the right form of investment for their assets. To keep the money safe and to avoid the destruction of the assets, gold is the best choice. And an excellent investment in recent decades has been stocks. With shares in solid companies, such as gold and silver companies should succeed in securing the assets. For example, with an investment in stocks such as Tudor Gold.
Tudor Gold - - owns four properties in the Golden Triangle in British Columbia, with the main project being the Treaty Creek Project, one of the largest gold discoveries in the world in the last three decades. In addition to the measured and indicated 17.33 million ounces of gold mineral resources, there are large copper and silver resources.
Fury Gold Mines - - also has several projects in its portfolio, namely five, located in Quebec, Nunavut and also in British Columbia. The Eau Claire project in Quebec is particularly high-grade.
Latest corporate information and press releases from Fury Gold Mines (
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