
Gold - also valuable as a nanoparticle


Gold is not only an excellent means of preserving value for investors but is also becoming increasingly important in medicine.

Gold - also valuable as a nanoparticle



Gold is not only an excellent means of preserving value for investors but is also becoming increasingly important in medicine.



The gold price has now reached a new record high. "In our view, however, the price increase since the beginning of the month remains a mystery, which is why we continue to see limited further upside potential," say the experts at Commerzbank. They also forecast a gold price of USD 2,200 per ounce for the remainder of 2024 and for 2025. At this price, gold companies will be able to operate profitably without the price having to rise significantly. This applies to both large and small companies.


One of the larger companies is Sibanye-Stillwater - . The company produces gold, platinum and palladium. Sibanye-Stillwater is also involved in green metals such as lithium and copper. It even produces uranium as a by-product.


One gold exploration and development company that is focusing on growth is Revival Gold - . Its Beartrack-Arnett gold project in Idaho, USA, is the largest gold mine previously in production there.


However, gold is not just a stroke of luck for investors. Bacteria often cause problems when antibiotic drugs do not work properly. This is because bacteria can surround themselves with a so-called biofilm and thus protect themselves from drugs. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have now coated gold nanoparticles with sugar. This enabled them to destroy the biofilm, meaning that infections did not have to be surgically removed. This is a big plus for patients who are allergic to antibiotics or for bacteria that are resistant to medication. Gold converts energy from light sources into heat, allowing pathogens to be destroyed. With this photo-thermal therapy, almost 100 percent of biofilms could be killed.


Current company information and press releases from Sibanye-Stillwater ( ).



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