
Silver for investors and the modern world


Silver and gold are recommended for longer-term investments. Especially silver shines with many application-possibilities

There are small amounts of silver and gold in food. Silver or E174 must be highly pure. It is used in chocolates, spirits or as a decorating agent for food. It is well known that silver is used in water treatment thanks to its sterilizing effect. Even the Phoenicians kept drinks in silver bottles. Silver has been mined for about 5,000 years. In ancient Egypt, silver was even more highly valued than gold. And silver is the element that reflects light most strongly; in addition, it has the greatest electrical conductivity (100 percent; copper is at 70 percent) and the greatest thermal conductivity of all elements. It is surpassed only by diamonds and superfluids. Anti-hail pilots use a silver iodide-acetone mixture to prevent hailstorms. U.S. coins contained about 90 percent silver until 1965, when that figure dropped to 40 percent, and today only very small amounts of silver are found in coins. Formerly known as the poor man's gold, silver is now indispensable in modern technologies. Solar panels, electrical contacts and circuits, and space travel all use silver. Important modern technologies such as 5G technology, displays, for example, ensure that silver is in almost every electronic device or high-tech product. As a result, silver is also used in about 50 percent of industrial and technology metals. In the process, it is often consumed and thus lost.

The price of silver is volatile, but longer-term investments should be worthwhile thanks to the increasing use of the precious metal. Silver in the projects owns MAG Silver or also Sierra Madre Gold and Silver. MAG Silver ( ) has an interest in the Juanicipio project in Mexico (44 percent), and commercial production has just started. MAG Silver also has interests in other projects in the U.S. and Canada. Sierra Madre Gold and Silver ( ) takes care of three projects in Mexico, they are high grade gold and silver projects. One of them is a former producing underground mine.

Current corporate information and press releases from MAG Silver ( ) and Sierra Madre Gold and Silver (

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