In the past, silver meant power and wealth and was used as currency. Today, it is its excellent conductivity, its function as an investment metal and its use in medicine that fascinate. The precious metal has antibacterial effects. For example, it helps to provide clean drinking water for the Navajo Nation in the southwest of the USA. Native ceramic vessels combined with silver technology make this possible. The use of ancient and sacred pottery eliminates the Navajo Nation's mistrust of outsiders. After all, pottery is sacred to this people. In smartphones and computers, from simple switches to elaborate circuitry, the presence of silver ensures functionality. Silver is closely related to gold and copper, which is reflected in the properties of the metal. Silver has the highest electrical conductivity, as well as the highest reflectivity for visible light. It is therefore ideal for mirror production. Silver electrodes can be found in many batteries and sensors, for example in vehicles.
There are particularly high concentrations of silver in Mexico, Peru and China. Since the industrial revolution, new silver applications have increased. It is still a sought-after precious metal in the jewelry sector and for decorative objects. Investors are interested in silver bars and coins. Like gold, silver is a safe haven that investors like to target. Endeavour Silver and Vizsla Silver, for example, own silver in the ground.
Endeavour Silver - - owns six projects in Mexico, one in Chile and one in Nevada. The company is striving to become a leading silver producer.
Vizsla Silver - - owns the prospective Panuco project in Mexico, which contains gold and silver. A recently updated mineral resource estimate is extremely positive.
Current company information and press releases from Vizsla Silver ( ) and Endeavour Silver ( ).
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